Posted by: icaughtalittlebabybumblebee | April 30, 2009

This Crazy Little Thing Called Exams!

Hey Deyians,

It’s been a while but hey lets make our blog rock again. Im sure around the corner is this little event we like to call the exams. So here is out team at AKLTG wishing you all the best and do rock it down cos we believe all of you can do it! Here are some tips for you as you go on this journey of conquering this pink elephant we all love to hate-the MID YEARS!


1) Study one chapter. Ask your friend study the other. And another friend another. Then discuss and compare notes! This way you no need to study everything and you get more value!

2) The 80-20 Principle. 80 PER CENT of your notes is useless words like i and the and you and me. 20 is important words like CHEMICAL REACTION or ACIDIC or STAMFORD RAFFLES. Pick out the keywords and remember them!

3) Do breathing exercises. Inhale 5 seconds and inhale the good things in life. Exhale 5 seconds and exhale the negative stuff. Do it 10 times every morning.

4) Do success claps. The more you clap the more successful you’ll be. Okay this is just an energizer to keep you motivated!

5) The Principles of Memory. Know how to make your notes more effective? Make your notes colourful and full of pictures-draw funny pictures even! Link your keypoints together in a funny story like the 30 word list! YOU WILL REMEMBER BETTER!

6) Use 10 minutes each time to TEXT your FRIENDS or play with your cat. Make sure these breaks last only 10 minutes. Remember DISCIPLINE is SOMETHING YOU DONT LIKE but REAP FUTURE REWARDS! So just set 10 minutes each time and obey the clock! Use this technique especially when your mind wanders cos when you WORK you WORK, when you PLAY you PLAY. THE 2 DONT MIX~!

7) Give 100 per cent. This might mean your day will look like this







Know when you energy is the highest and maximise it!!! Remember your mind and body is one. So know how to mix the 2 to produce incredible results!

8) Make INSPIRATIONAL POSTERS using DRAWING BLOCKS to MOTIVATE YOU! Paste it all around your room, places you can see-maybe the toilet even!

9) IF I CANT THEN I MUST. This is the law of de-procrastination. It is the very things that you dont want to do that you MUST DO NOW! Like learning and practising quadratic equations lah or chemistry formulas!

10) When life gets shaky, FOCUS ON YOUR OUTCOME.

Posted by: liveatdeyi | April 19, 2009

Susan Changes the World!

Life Lesson No 1 : No matter what, dont start to judge people too quickly! Life Lesson No 2 : It doesnt matter what others think of you, it only matters what you think of yourself. Even if the whole world throws sticks and stones at you, prove them wrong! Be confident of YOU and let your light shine! Look how SUSAN BOYLE changes the way we look at our world!

Posted by: liveatdeyi | April 11, 2009

Jump In, Get Involved!

“The point is what i found at a very young age was that if you only think about yourself, how much money can i make, what can i buy,what kind of fancy car do i have than over the long term i think you get bored. I think your life becomes-I think if you’re only thinking about yourself, your life becomes diminished and that the way to live a full life is to think about what can i do for others? How can I be a part of this larger project of making a better world? Now that could be as simple as making-as the joy of taking care of your family-and watching your children grow and succeed. But i think especially for the young people here, i hope you also consider other ways that you can serve, because the world has so many challenges right now.there’s so many opportunities to make a difference,and it would be a tragedy if all of you who are so talented and energetic, if you let that go to waste, if you just stood back and watched the world pass you by. Better to jump in, get involved. And it does means that sometimes you get criticised and sometimes you’ll fail and sometimes you’ll be disappointed, but you’ll have a great adventure, and at the end of your life hopefully you’ll be able to look back and say , i made a difference” That’s OBAMA’s words from the heart … Aint it true and aint that what will make our lives worthwhile? So go out there and make a difference in any way you can today!…

Posted by: liveatdeyi | April 9, 2009

You are Perfect, Aren’t You?

“‘In the end, it’s these small things that you remember, little imperfections that make them perfect, for you.’

Hey guys, this may be just a commercial by the government to inspire and empower us to lead beuatiful family lives, yet it has a deeper meaning behind it. Simply the message is that sometimes we look for the grandest and biggest things to achieve in life and yet one day when we are gone, it is the little things that matter. The way you smile at someone, the small talks you have with your friends,brothers and sisters, yes even the snoring you endured with your friends at the SINGAPORE VISION FARM. Accept each other and especially yourself for the imperfections that you have each day cos that is the very thing that makes you perfect..the very thing that makes you special,,,that makes you unique..that makes you unique:) And that what makes our lives perfect:) So let us cherish ourselves and others more today and lead the perfectly imperfect lives we are supposed to live!

“To be perfect in a perfect world is imperfect, to be imperfect in an imperfect world is imperfect”

Posted by: liveatdeyi | April 5, 2009

Dreams Come True:)

How many of you have dreams? Not necessary the dreams that you have when you go to bed at night. But the ones where you aspire to achieve something great in life. An astronaut maybe, an opera singer or even a teacher. Have you ever taught what legacy do you want to leave in this world or is there something you awfully want so much and has been scared to tell people about? The good news I’m going to tell you is that dreams must start as BIG as possible. dreams must be ridicuolous at first cos if its not ridiculous at one point in time, it aint worth pursuing. I mean who would have imagine the internet being a reality a mere 30 years ago? Real time connectivity across the globe. Live EPL matches? Yes dreams must start as AWESOME and BIG and RIDICULOUS possible. And you must tell yourself that this is my dream. Never be too shy to admit it to yourself…All right im going to show you two awesome videos about making dreams come true that comes from reality tv first….

The first is about a girl who just wanted to sing and knows her dream even at an early age. The other is a person who always had a dream but isnt sure about himself even when he had the talent…The point is if you have a dream go for it, dont be afraid of failure, and let your light shine! See the little girl-she has such confidence and belief in herself that she could go out and catch her dream at an early age…Maybe somehting all of us can learn from? Be who you are, say what you feel, be yourself and chase the very dream that you want letting nothing stop in your way…So no matter who you are, where youre from or what age you are…you always have this chance to pursue a dream…go for it…dream big and find the resources you need to make the dream a reality!

“So every morning when i wake up, i have 2 CHOICES- i can go back to sleep and continue my dream or i can go out to the world out there and make my dream a reality”

Posted by: liveatdeyi | April 1, 2009

It was good to be back!:)

Hey Deyians,

It was nice being back on Monday for the booster and to see all of you again:) We are all glad that the 2009 LIVE! Operation camp has made a difference in your lives and may i just say CONGRATULATIONS on breaking the 7000 hit mark on the website 🙂 Do continue coming to the blogsite as it will be updated now and then. Do share your thoughts and feelings on the aftermath of the camp and how it has impacted your life. and drop your comments to alright? 

Here are some motivational posters we did with the pictures from the camp! Enjoy :




Posted by: liveatdeyi | March 28, 2009

Returning on Monday!!!

Hi Deyians,

1 months has passed since the camp ended and I’m sure you are living life to the fullest and enjoying each day as it comes! How have you been? Hope youve been visiting this site often yah…We’ll be coming to DEYI on MONDAY! and many of the PMs and ENCIKs are way too excited to see you too! It will be fun and we will have good time catching up and perhaps share some of the stories of camp as well yah. 

Arites, can i have a request from you as well? Can you guys go reflect on how the camp has made a difference in your life or the improvements that you’ve made since the camp ended and share your thoughts and feelings? Do write to me at yah? Thanks lots!

With that we are looking forward to seeing you on Monday and relive the inspirational moments of camp once more!!!


Posted by: liveatdeyi | March 8, 2009

Reminiscing the deyi live! operation

how time flies…it’s been more than a week now since the camp ended…wish i could turn back the clock.

can still hear the ‘devil’ shouting at the troopers during the postman walk, troopers saying ‘Sir Yes Sir!’, troopers persevering to complete their 400 success claps, all the fun and laughter and not forgetting the best meal of the camp…combat ration! 

best lunch i've ever had in a camp!

Posted by: liveatdeyi | March 6, 2009

30 Words and Boostermania…

Dear Deyians, Its been one week since the camp passed and i hope to find you in good health and spirit. You know that you guys have made such an impact upon the platoon mentors and enciks that even till today they keep talking about the camp. You see with an open mind, an open heart and by just being the best you can be you can make a difference to others, and make the world a better place indeed.

Would like to share you a piece of good news : We will be coming back for a BOOSTER SESSION at your school sometimes in late march so look out for that. In this one hour session, we will relieve the memories and lessons of the camp and do an energetic and empowering segment about how you can use some of the principles and strategies from the camp to better your lives!

For a start, we will have a competition with attractive prizes to be won!

Remember the 30 word list we went through in the camp…i think even one group came out with a dance out of it ?

Well submit your most craziest wackiest and most creative 30 word stories…There will be a panel of judges who will select the top 4 entries. They will then do a 30 word face off during the boostet session! 2 winners will then be declared!

So for now just submit your 30 word story entries to :

All the best and I look forward to seeing your creative juices flow! Cos I believe DEYI can do it. YES WE CAN…

Posted by: liveatdeyi | March 4, 2009

Life’s Little Instructions…


Every Life Has A Story to Tell…


For those finding their way in a land of opportunities :

1) Past does not equal future. Learn from the past and embrace the future. 

2) Lets find the best time to be confident. That’s now.

3) A ship in harbour is safe, but that’s not what they are built for.

4) Who am i to make a difference? Actually who am i not to ?

5) There are no failure only learning experiences. When you fall down, just get up again.

6) Life is too short for you to be too involved, learn to chillax-chill and relax.

7) Your dance steps must tango with the lyrics, your spirit must cha cha with your beats.Walk your talk.

8) Ask the question who am I? Then just be.

9) When your actions speak louder than your words, say nothing to interrupt.

10) Its not just about being the best you can be, it’s  more about being better than you are yesterday.

11) When life throws you lemons, you can make lemonade, put the lemon in a coke and make coke lime, you can make lemon barley,juggle the lemon or rearrange the words and make melon. Bottomline-behind each crisis is a million opportunities!

12) An integer is a number that cannot be further divided into 2. That’s what integrity is all about. What you do and what you think and what you say cannot be divided into 2!

13) OBAMA’S CREED : YES WE CAN. Punch the air and say it. About a million times will do. 

14) Whatever happens to you in life is the best thing that could happen to you at that point in time. That is the very story life wants to tell you at the time. So learn the moral and  go out and create your story. Many people are waiting to hear it. 

15) Success comes in baby steps. Youll all grown up now so you can take bigger ones aye?

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